All over the world, libraries have become a social hub for their local demographics. Public, academic, and private libraries all offer a space for patron’s to connect, learn, and express themselves. A study done through Michigan State University reported findings that suggest that “non-classroom settings function as social hubs, help make intellectual and creative work visible to the larger learning community, and provide access to important resources''. This study also states that non-classroom settings help facilitate community formation and identity. Public libraries offer a variety of events to the local community. The events offered will vary depending on the library. The San Marcos branch of the San Diego Public Library offers baby story time, crafting for ages 9-14, art & culture crafting, free English classes for adults, family story time, crochet and knitting club, toddler time, Japanese story time, bilingual story time, chess club, and more. These are all free resources for the community to socialize and connect with each other. In addition to in-person socialization opportunities, libraries offer internet and computer use for their patrons. With a library card, a patron can access these for free. With free access to technology and the internet, a person can connect with others via email or social media networks. As long as the patron follows the library's internet and computer policies, they have the world at their fingertips!
Works cited
EBSCO and Library plus and Ezproxy Authentication – IT Services - University of Derby, Accessed 16 May 2024.
“Events.” San Diego County Library, Accessed 16 May 2024.
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