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Digital Storytelling

 By Angela Naranjo 

Digital storytelling is storytelling through media, stories can be told through photos, audio, texts, videos, and at times social media elements or interactive elements. The key to digital storytelling is to keep a good pace throughout the story and allow your voice to personalize the story so the audience can understand and relate. Some of the benefits of digital storytelling, is the positive effects it can have on social emotional health, has shown to develop emotional intelligence, and develop important 21st century literacies (Xu, 2). Reminiscence is another form of storytelling with the same benefits that has been used with digital storytelling to help older adults reminisce about events in their lives and especially helps older adults with dementia or Alzheimer's. 

Various research studies were conducted with older adults to determine how effective using digital storytelling and reminiscence is. Some studies paired older adults with another generation such as grandkids, others paired them with family members in the same generation as them. Many of the older adults that were paired with generations younger than them, had very positive impacts on the older adults, there were signs of decreased depressions and more involvement in the intervention group (Xu, et. al. 11). The other group that was paired with people that were from the same generation, family members or not, results showed stable depression scores and more interaction from all parties in reminiscing after the storytelling (Xu, et. al 11). The overall results showed how involved the older adults became when told stories of their past or events that were significant to their lives, many of them felt happier to see photos or listen to audio of a time they enjoyed. The use of digital storytelling has been used to tell stories with all types of media and in this case using reminiscence with digital storytelling, helped older adults with dementia and Alzheimer's feel connected with their pasts.

Xu, Ling, et al. “Remembering the Past with Today’s Technology: A Scoping Review of Reminiscence-Based Digital Storytelling with Older Adults.” Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X), vol. 13, no. 12, Dec. 2023, p. 998. EBSCOhost,
